Saturday, July 16, 2011

"Time is Short": exorcist Fr Joseph Iannuzzi

A statement quoted in today's SpiritDaily headline surrounding the recent death of locutionist Fr Stefano Gobbi, brings an urgent, apocalyptic message: "Time is short."

Fr Stefano Gobbi died on the Feast of St Peter and St Paul, 30 June, at 3pm, the hour of mercy.  His funeral was held on the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  This is significant because the MMP (Marian Movement of Priests) that Our Lady allegedly established through Fr Gobbi by means of locutions is a singular spiritual mission of defense for the Vicar of Christ, the bishops and the Magisterium.  It is also under the patronage of St Paul.

The MMP is said to be the largest spiritual movement in the history of the Church, with a global membership of 400 Cardinals and bishops, more than 100,000 priests and millions of religious and lay faithful.

Fr Joseph Iannuzzi, an Oblates of St Joseph's priest undertook a PhD at Gregorian University Rome, in Sacred Theology.  He has a number of publications, an important one being, The Triumph of God's Kingdom in the Millenium and the End Times; a groundbreaking and scholarly work on the doctrine of The Millenium.  The Millenium doctrine (not to be confused with Millenerianism that has been ruled out by the Church) is little known in the conventional sphere of the Catholic Church today; but its study was made known to Joseph Ratzinger when he was prefect of CDF--who left open the possibility of further investigation of this doctrine.  

Fr Joseph's works are some of the most authoritative on the Millenium.  What the doctrine is about is essentially related to the notion of a "coming Era", an idea that has been thrust to centre-stage in the prophetic arm of the Church; it is about a foretold era of peace that will likely be preceded by some terrible chastisement--on a global scale--measuring up at least, to the great flood of Noah's time.  Fr Iannuzzi, who is also an official exorcist priest, holds that the Millenia doctrine is biblical, has been articulated by the Church Fathers, the early apostles and spoken of by numerous Blesseds, mystics and stigmatists.  It is a central theme that largely features in the locutional MMP messages of Our Lady.  

Fr Joseph Iannuzzi speculates that what is contained in the tradition of the Millenium will indeed come to pass--and maybe, very soon.  In the following statement made in relation to Fr Gobbi's death, Fr Iannuzzi calls Catholics to prepare and to arm themselves with prayers and sacraments.  In a most sincere and priestly tone, Fr Iannuzzi indicates to all that we may be about to see some enormous changes take place in the world--spiritual and material: 
"I, Reverend Joseph Leo Iannuzzi, affirm that Father Stefano Gobbi is and was a true locutionist and a messenger from Mary, who shared with us a timely instrument from the Mother of God who is calling me and you to prayer and fasting from the heart.  Time is short... The great chastisement awaits the planet that will be knocked off of its axis and send us into a moment of global darkness and the awakening of consciences. Father Gobbi's messages presently bear the Church's official seal of approval, the 'imprimatur.' Thus he is ecclesiastically recognized. So, prepare yourselves with the weapons of the Brown Scapular, the Miraculous medal, the Benedictine medal, the prayers of the Most Holy Rosary, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, and the frequent reception of the Sacraments of Confession and Holy Communion.  As God loves you, I love you, and love one another. Forgive one another form the heart. Nothing else really matters in this life."

(from, 16 July)

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On the Era of Peace, the triumph of the Immaculate Heart, the new Pentecost
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1 comment:

  1. This lines up perfectly with what was revealed to me partly in words and part in understanding when I was thanking God for the awesome gift of receiving His Son in the Eucharist at a week day Mass a few years ago. A number of years before that a friend and I were discussing how some priests and nuns were teaching false things. That night I prayed and asked how to be sure what to believe. I looked down at my open bible and read Sirach 37:15. My version read "pray constantly that I plant your feet firmly on the pathway to truth and that I keep them there." I knew I was to pray that for all people because as long as I could remember I had prayed for God to keep me straight on a path to Him, never let me take a step to the right or to the left but always straight to Him. I started praying it every day but it seemed to make no difference and I told God so. His reply was basically "don't worry it is to prepare for what He has planned to come. Thanks be to God!
